Mijn Trainers

Zonder mijn begeleiding had ik het nooit tot wereldkampioen kunnen schoppen. Ik wil mijn trainers bedanken voor al hun geduld en toewijding.

Geoffroy Lavoué

In 2006 ben ik Roger Pop tegen gekomen. Hij vroeg mij hem te trainen voor de Europese Kampioenschappen. Ik heb dat gedaan met heel mijn hart en ziel. Overal waar ik daarna geskied heb, is Roger mij gevolgd. Roger heeft heel veel tegenslag gehad qua blessureleed maar elke keer is hij terug gekomen. Hij is Europees Kampioen onder mijn toezicht geworden en hij is Wereldkampioen onder mijn toezicht geworden. Hij is de buitenbaan gaan leren skiën onder mijn begeleiding en ik ben met Roger door heel Amerika gaan reizen. Ik houd van Roger en hij is de beste trainee om te coachen. Vol kracht, energie en liefde zoals ik het ook graag heb. Ik ski ook vol passie en ben zelf Europees Kampioen voor 35+ en ik sta graag mensen bij die bij mij willen lessen en komen skiën. Ik werk samen met Reflex. Dit is het beste waterski brand op persoonlijk ski gebied
10x Nationaal kampioen, Europees- en Wereldkampioen

Freek School

My name is Freek School and I’m waterski coach at the Rooye Plas, in a little town called Handel in the Netherlands. I’m 34 years old and for 18 years I coach. I studied at the university of Sports and graduated as a movement scientist specialized in Nature and Outdoor sports. In winter I coach in Orlando and Portugal because the weather is not that nice anymore in the Netherlands. Further I manage the bar and restaurant and have an other outdoor sports company. We rent out sups, have 4 beach volleybal fields and we organize activities for groups. I am member of the National team and a 23 time national champion divided about all 3 disciplines and overall. Also I’m a multiple Benelux champion in slalom, jump, and overall. I competed in 12 Open Europeans and in 4 World championships. Further I’m also part technical commission of the Dutch Federation where I’m responsible for talent search and to get people into the sport.

Rooye Plas the Netherlands
The Rooye Plas is a perfect sized sand put surrounded by trees with a length of 630 meters. For 50 years Rooye Plas is the best lake in the Netherlands. We have a slalom course, jump course and we drive a ski nautique 200. There is a club as well as a waterski school. What is special about Rooye Plas is that we have a special area where you can swim and a bar restaurant with a terrace of 150 seating places. Because of this people come to the lake to watch waterski and have a drink or some lunch. Because of this we can keep the prices affordable for members. Every year we organize several competitions. We are going to host the Europeans Open hopefully in the next 2 years.

Roger Pop
I’m really proud to coach Roger Pop to reach his goals. Even more proud that he became a world champion and a world record holder all in one year. I think Roger still has a lot to improve and set his world Record a lot tighter. Roger Pop is driven and knows what needs to be done to get to the next level.

Waterskicoach de Rooye Plas
De Rooye Plas - Haveltweg 21 - 5423 VV Handel

Jodi Fischer

I can’t tell you in words what it felt to be alongside Roger Pop through this quest to become the World Champion in MP2. They say a picture speaks a Thousand words and this Picture shows why Roger is the World Champion
13801 Avalon Rd, Winter Garden, FL 34787 USA